


> > Posterausstellung zu Energieeffizienzprojekten in der Industrie

Posterausstellung zu Energieeffizienzprojekten in der Industrie

Effizienz & Wärme



Im Rahmen der Online-Konferenz werden sieben Poster zu Energieeffizienzprojekten in der Industrie in Deutschland und Frankreich am 30. September ab 11.30 Uhr präsentiert. Sie finden die Poster im Folgenden.

Poster zu
Energieeffizienzprojekten in der Industrie

AVU Serviceplus
Thorsten Coß
Managing director

AVU provides small and large-scale photovoltaic systems.
On-site consumption of PV-electricity in industrial and commercial buildings is ecological and economical.

Bayrisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Thiemo Kluge
Expert for energy efficiency

The Bavarian Environment Agency provides an online tool free of charge, which is called waste heat calculator. It is available in English and German and especially recommended for small and medium sized companies. The waste heat calculator provides an initial estimation of the technical usable amount of waste heat.

Geert Meulenbelt
Export manager

Dcbrain’s technology is a software solution combining digital twin modelization and artificial intelligence algorithm to predict, model and optimize networks. It can be used to demand forecast and optimal mix for production, storage and distribution, to create and compare scenarios for network planning and operations, to optimize asset usage and life-cycle and to detect prescriptive real-time anomaly.

Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPK
Gregor Thiele
Research assistant

The energy efficiency in the industrial production can be raised by optimizing the existing machinery. For complex optimization tasks, powerful control systems are needed together with algorithms. The project ReLkat aims at the enhancement of local control through the implementation of Machine Learning, especially Reinforcement Learning. Fraunhofer IPK and Signal Cruncher investigate jointly the possibilities of introducing those innovative algorithms into real production processes. The Berlin based company Signal Cruncher benefits from experience in software development for internet online sale and Smart Home for years.

Julien Metge
International Business Development

The objective of the project was to offset one part of the fossil fuel consumption of the industrial site of Condat (natural gas in this case) with solar thermal energy. The solar heat plant preheats the make-up water of the factory's steam boiler, extracted from a river nearby, up to 80°C. With its third-party finance model or ESCO model (Energy Services Company), newHeat has invested in the thermal energy production unit and operates it in the long term. This enabled the paper mill to get access to a stable price for 20 years while preserving its investment capacity for other strategic projects.

Technische Universität Ingolstadt
Volker Selleneit
Research assistant

Dairy processing industry is energy-intensive and could increase its energy efficiency, e. g. through heat recovery and by flexibilization of electrical demand for integration of renewable energies. The focus is set on the coupling of the sectors heat and electricity. The first objective is to investigate reasonable system solutions that can be applied to the whole industry of dairy processing. The project is implemented with the industry. partners “Zott” and “Andechser Molkerei Scheitz” as well as equipment manufacturers „Lemmermeyer GmbH“ and „AGO AG Energie + Anlagen”.

Klaus-Joachim Pfeuffer
Senior Manager

The Prysmian Group (global leader in the cable systems industry) wants to implement energy efficiency measures on all its German sites. In 2016 they commissioned Tilia to help them. In addition to the renewal of the compressed air generation system, one of the first central measures was the redesign of the lighting system. Other measures for energy efficiency will be implemented in the future.

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