


> > Posterausstellung zu Speicherprojekten

Posterausstellung zu Speicherprojekten

Systeme & Märkte



Im Rahmen der Konferenz zum Thema Energiespeicher wurden 14 Poster zu Speicherprojekten in Deutschland und Frankreich ausgestellt. Zusätzlich fand eine 45-minütige Führung durch diese Posterausstellung statt bei der jeder Aussteller sein Projekt kurz vorstellte.

Poster zu

Thomas Nietsch
Head of Future Energy Projects

ABO Wind envisages building wind farms and photovoltaic plants next to a new hydrogen refilling station in order to produce hydrogen from the electricity produced by these plants. Hydrogen is one solution of storing electricity. In buses and trains, it can be converted in electricity through a fuel cell.

Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Martina Reinwald

The project Wind Heating 2.0 aims to store “surplus electricity”, mainly generated by wind farms, in buildings (Power-to-heat).

cea tech
Sothun Eric Hing

The project aims to develop a multi-megawatt hybrid wind storage system on a Caribbean island to support renewable energy grid integration and to contribute to electricity grid stability.

easy Smart Grid
Javier Gebauer
Business Development International

The demonstration project SoLAR equips a residential property with smart technology. Rooftop PV, heat pumps and CHP, smart charging of E-vehicles and household appliances are coordinated by a local market (LEM) for higher use of renewable energy and lower energy cost.

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)
Stephan Lux
Head of Group Battery Engineering Electrical Energy Storage

In the context of the project Safety First, Fraunhofer ISE assessed the safety, efficiency and reliability of home storage systems based on lithium batteries.

Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology (ISIT)
Henri Zeller
Project Manager & Business Development

In this study, an Optimized Swing Equation Control (OSEC) for supplying synthetic inertia (SI) by Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) is presented. It enables BESS to achieve the same dynamic frequency stability while significantly reducing their power output.

Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
Matthias Puchta
Business Development Manager Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems

The project Storing Energy at Sea (StEnSea) comprises the development and testing of a novel pumped storage concept for storing large amounts of electrical energy offshore. In this marine pumped storage concept the sea serves as upper storage reservoir and a hollow sphere on the seabed as the lower reservoir.

Nicolas Lebert
Project Manager Smart Grid

This project implemented one of the first grid connected photovoltaic systems in France equipped with batteries. This allowed identifying legal, technical and economic constraints for the development of such systems.

Max Bögl
Christoph Bosch
Head of Supply an Contract Management

The Water Battery can store electricity and thereby contribute to grid stability. The pilot project in Gaildorf, Germany, demonstrates the operating principle. The foundations of the wind farm are used as upper reservoirs. They are connected via an underground penstock to a pumped-storage power station in the valley.

Antoine de Broves
Business Development & Marketing Manager | Market development

Energy in Non Interconnected Zones (NIZ) is usually expensive and grids face important stability issues. Therefore, the French regulator CRE carries out specific tenders to combine renewables with storage facilities. This project successfully participated in a CRE tender coupling photovoltaic plants with a battery storage system. The purpose of the storage system is, amongst others, to provide a maximal output during 2 hours of peak period.

City of Munich
Represented by: Münchner Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung GmbH
Martin Kaltenhauser-Barth

In 2018, the power storage system went into operation in the context of the Smarter Together project. An IT link to the control center integrates the storage facility into a virtual power plant. Intelligent energy management controlled by the virtual power plant’s operations center enables excess electricity to charge the battery storage and discharge it in response to subsequent demand.

Christian Karalis
Project Manager

The SteadyWind project consists of a large battery storage system that balances the electricity generation of the wind turbines in Ullersdorf, Germany in such a way that a constant feed-in of electricity into the grid can be ensured in the future. During high winds, the storage system smooths out peaks on the spot market.

The Mobility house
Dennis Schütte
Project Manager

The EUREF Campus in Berlin is considered as the living lab of the German energy transition and offers an open environment for testing new technologies and integrating them into the interconnected future energy landscape. To meet this challenge, Audi and project partner The Mobility House added a stationary storage system to the Campus's infrastructure in May 2019. Various use-cases will demonstrate the potential of the intersection of energy and mobility.

Matthias Kahl
Engineer Grid Development Strategic Network Planning

Transnet BW wants to reduce bottlenecks in its transmission grid in Baden-Württemberg with the help of a so-called grid booster. The net booster concept includes a load or adjustable energy generator at the beginning and a quickly deployable power source (e.g. a large battery) at the end of a line section that is particularly busy.

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